Hacktrick 2022

Hacktrick was traditionally organized annually by the Octosec team, featuring 2 days dedicated to training and 1 day to conferences. Aimed at bringing together the public sector, private industry, and the academic community under the umbrella of cybersecurity, the event is now hosted by Blackbox Security and Prisma CSI, in collaboration with BTK and BTK Academy starting this year. Hacktrick 2022 took place at the BTK Istanbul Regional Directorate, attracting over 3600 participants, hosting more than 30 speakers, offering 20 training sessions, and delivering over 400 hours of training.


Hacktrick 2022 tranings

  • ICS Security
  • Active Directory Security Assessment
  • Active Directory Security Workshop (EN)
  • AWS Cloud Security
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)
  • Ethereum Smart Contract Security
  • Mobile Application Security
  • Network Security
  • Practical IoT Hacking
  • Self Defense & OpSec
  • Practical Penetration Testing
  • The Adventure of an Attacker: Digital Forensics
  • Web Application Security