Cyber Security

Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Cyber Security

Mandiant’s Twitter Account Restored After Six-Hour Crypto Scam Hack – 05.01.2024

American cybersecurity firm and Google Cloud subsidiary Mandiant had its X (formerly Twitter) account compromised for more than six hours by an unknown attacker to propagate a cryptocurrency scam.

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New Variant of DLL Search Order Hijacking Bypasses Windows 10 and 11 Protections – 02.01.2024

Security researchers have detailed a new variant of a dynamic link library (DLL) search order hijacking technique that could be used by threat actors to bypass security mechanisms and achieve execution of malicious code on systems running Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11.

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New Sneaky Xamalicious Android Malware Hits Over 327,000 Devices – 28.12.2023

A new Android backdoor has been discovered with potent capabilities to carry out a range of malicious actions on infected devices.

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Carbanak Banking Malware Resurfaces with New Ransomware Tactics – 26.12.2023

The banking malware known as Carbanak has been observed being used in ransomware attacks with updated tactics.

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